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Current Accuracy
of Long Second Opinions as of 03/13/25
The accuracy of the MarketEdge Second Opinion is currently . This means that the most recent close price of of stocks with a Long Second Opinion are above the entry price. Although the accuracy changes daily with the fluctuations of the general market, the average historic accuracy of Second Opinion is 70%.
of Longs
are above
entry price
As of: 03/13/25
Average price increase
Average days held
Current Performance
of Long Second Opinions as of 03/13/25
The MarketEdge Second Opinion will remain Long until a stock's technical condition begins to strongly deteriorate. Currently our Longs remain in the opinion for an average of days. As of 03/13/25, our average price increase for Longs is %. Subscribe to MarketEdge to get in early on stocks with a strong technical condition.
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